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lAlB lClD lElF lGlH lIlJ lKlL lMlN lOlP lQlR lSlT lUlV lWlX lYlZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
TS TRIVENI shawl & lohi 24
ENN-DEE shawls-lohis 24
lohmann VALO spf +ovals 5
lok DHARA 29
lok DHARA in devnagari 29
ASPEE-lok 8
MEDICO lead-lok MLL +oval 10
SONIC lok 6
SONIC-lok 6
WESMEC s-lok 7
cl clip-lok SIMPAK 20
lokamayahara KASTURI PILLS 5
BUL-lokbolt 6
lokenath biri +man & circle 34
lokmanya griha udyog 3
AMBAR-lokpriya 25
KHANNA'S lokpriya 28
KISHAN'S lokpriya +cartoon 29, 30
L lokpriya 24
VIMAL lokpriya 24
lokshaktich pratibimb VASTA 16
lol LOTS OF LIFE +flower 25
super lolipop +tree boy gir 32
ALPENLIEBE lollipop 30
MADHUR RING lollipop 30
PARRY'S lollipop 30
PARRY'S lollipop +dots 30
AVON chocolate lollipops 30
AL KAMAL TIP TOP lolly pop 30
HAVMOR ice cream lolly pop 30
KAKA'S lolly pop +cartoon 30
MONCY DELUXE lolly pop +fac 30
REKHA DELUXE lolly pops 30
DHEERAJ loly pop 30
K-lon 25
RAVINDRA lonache 29
lonavala SQUARE +squares 37
lonavla's DIAMOND chikki 30
K KING'S lonavla chikki 30
KONKAN SINDHU amba lonche 29
VIRAL lonche 29
JAI ANNAPURNA lonchi +woman 30
jai ANNAPURNA lonchi +woman 30
london +crown & shield 34
london 2012 9, 14, 25, 32, 35, 41, 42
london 555 16
london BOY +hat & oval 25
london BRIDGE 25
london BRIDGE +bridge 33
london CLUB 34
london DAIRY CAFE 42
london FOG +triangle 25
london FRUIT & HERB COMPANY 30, 32
london GIRLS 25
london HOUSE 32, 33
london IMPERIAL 24
london METAL EXCHANGE 6, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41
london MILLIONAIRE whisky 33
london NO. 1 STRONG 16
london POLICE 25
london POST 25
london POWER BEER +bridge 32
london REBEL 18, 25
london REHE RABEL 25
london ROSEBYS 4, 5, 8
london ROSEBYS +arc 6
london TOWER +tower & squar 25
london TOWER malt whisky 33
london TUSKER 32
london bakers 1931 +hut ova 30
london premium +square 32
london's PRIDE 3, 5
london-FOG 24
1508 london 42
91ST STREET london 25
A ANIBAS london 25
APEX OF london 3
ARIS london +squares 18, 25, 28, 30
ASCOT & HANLEY london 25
BASE london 25
BASE london +oval 25
BISON london 25
BL london 2
BOHO london 25
BOSFORD'S london dry gin 33
BOUDOIR london 25
BOY london 25
BSQ london +bird 3
C&D london +stripes & squar 26
CAN CAN london piper +man 3
CANARY london +bird 3, 18, 24, 25, 35
CANARY london +bird & squar 43
CAR NA BY london england 25
CARIBOU of london +deer 25
CARLTON london 3, 14, 20, 25, 28
CASINO london +woman 3
COZY london 3
D2L DL delhi 2 london +towe 25
DIANA-london 3
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